What is a support tool? How does it work?
For clairvoyants, tools operate as prisms, kinds of mirrors of the unconsciousness and the invisible world. Tools are varied and they might take different forms. The Tarot game, for example, appears as a series of major and minor Arcana. Each medium practitioner has his/her own preferences, according to his/her own sensitivity.
Neither the card game nor any other tool is indispensable, because a good medium practitioner might theoretically work without the support of any tool.
The latter participates only for the establishment of a physical barrier between the practitioner and the patient. The support tool can help to trigger visions by means of its shape, colors and its symbolism. The tool concentrates and suggests.
Tarots and oracles, at the doors of the invisible.
My preferences are colorful and bright cards. They encourage or induce an intuitive state of trance.
Here we have some beautiful examples:
–The Tarot of Eden, magnificently designed by Alika Lindbergh for Maud Kristen
-The Belline Oracle, an essential requirement, created by Edmont.
– The Divinatory Game, designed for Yaguel Didier by Marina Karella.
-Madame Le Normand´s Tarot and the Tarot from Marseille; they are the basis of any good Tarot practitioner.
As time goes by, a very particular relationship is generated between the practitioner and his/her support tools. An intimate relationship, based on affection.

Minerals: Catalysts or simple Rocks?
Even though for many people minerals are ordinary run-of-the-mill rocks, for geologists (and also for me) they mean something absolutely different…. Each mineral has an atom chain which is distinctive. They are all categorized and classified among different families. A mineral is a substance naturally formed which is generally of inorganic type. (It is rarely organic, such as choral, for example.)
Minerals are characterized by a chemical formulation as well as by a crystalline structure, that is, they are shaped by the nature of the atoms that generate them and their lay out in space respectively. Mineralogy concentrates the various study approaches of minerals with respect to these particular theoretical bases.
Properties of Minerals
Minerals Nomenclature
Modern nomenclature was imposed in the mainstream of the 19th century. The name assigned is due to several reasons: a characteristic property, (magnetite, for example), the name of the dominant element (calcite, for example), the name of a wise man (dolomite, for example, was dedicated to Déodat de Dolomieu), its color, and finally, its origin.
The IMA (International Mineralogy Association) has currently set as its mission the standardization of mineral species definition.
Minerals and their Scope of Action
The law of analogy
Chinese medicine, homeopathy and lithotherapy exploit analogy.
Each mineral, according to its vibrating frequency (color) is related to an energetic center designed by a vibrating analogy. For example, all red and black color minerals are related to the root chakra.
The human body is in its whole (physical and subtle levels) an emitter and a receiver). By means of a process of vibrational agreement that requires active participation on the part of the individual, the crystal starts vibrating in resonance with the corresponding chakra.
If the center is disturbed, the crystal can balance its performance. In the human body (as well as in other animal species, by the way!) each organ and tissue have their particular vibration. It is a kind of personal energetic map..
When the balance is disturbed or modified, the body reacts, and in this moment, it declares its illness and becomes dysfunctional.
Lithotherapy employs the laws of energetic resonance to synchronize the vibration of a disturbed organ, tissue or system with the minerals that correspond to their vibratory personality.
How to Choose and employ Minerals in the best possible Way?
Minerals are beautiful, they are very much alive and they talk to us…
Their atomic chains are suspended and they don´t show any perceptible activity. We should be within their reach to be able to enjoy their benefits. Healing with minerals is based on sensation and visualization. There are many books with information on how to use them and this practice should be performed especially at the level of the implied energetic meridians.
Lithotherapy and meditation are virtually inseparable.…
During meditations, readings and healing therapy minerals provide the maximum of their benefits. Each and every mineral must be cleaned (purified) after being used. Amethysts in geode shape are also currently employed. In addition, simply the land, the clay powder, the quartz family and the exposure to the sunshine and moonlight are also very popular.
Mental visualization allows the transmission of an accurate intention to the stone that is being employed, in such a way that it will become a dedicated tool. The universe places in stones what we are requesting in our prayers…This means a continuous and systematic work with which we will get the best results.
Stones are also positive for our environment. Is there someone who doesn´t know about the negative consequences for our health generated by the waves of mobile phones and microwave ovens?
Pink quartz pieces placed in resting or sleeping places will help you fall asleep and they will favor your affective environment.
Black tourmaline located close to computers or an electricity meter will neutralize their effects or in any case it will mitigate them.
My favorite pieces are large rough blocks. Mass is important.
Mysticism and public Health, the point
Lithotherapy is a holistic health care approach. This approach considers human beings as a whole. Ancient civilizations left some traces of these practices and their procedures.
Body care was accompanied by soul and mind care. At the time of the French Renaissance the soul was separated from the body.
«Health is not an issue related to medicine, it is also linked to life hygiene….»
Francis LIZION, Ed. Mozaique, 1999.
Any possible practice of lithotherapy, or any other approach will NEVER replace a diagnosis or any other medical protocol performed by a health professional!
Some Minerals

Le cas bien intéressant… du Quartz… la base de tout !
Chemical Composition
Si02. It is classified as an oxide; its system is crystalline and rhombohedral.
The colorless variety is called rock crystal. The silicon oxide that defines it is one of the basics of our soil and our molecular structure. The quartz is a receiver, and emitter, a transformer and … a catalyst!
Their applications and implications are multiple.
It is recommended to use it in combination with other minerals, because it activates all the other stones. I personally employ it in a rough block or in a spherical shape. It is perfect for the practice of meditation and divination work.

Auralite -23 :
The survivor…
These crystals are dated 1,2 billion years. Cristal A23 contains at least 17 stones and 23 elements of the chemical classification categorized on Mendeleïev´s Table, which looks rather improbable, but it is true.
It is said it has relevant energetic properties: reorganization and purification of energetic meridians. Guidance and spiritual evolution… It has the reputation of comforting and relieving in moments of distress related to affection.

Nephrite or New-Zealand Jade
It has been exploited for thousands of years in New Zealand and it is venerated by the Maoris; it is currently called « green-stone » or «Pounamou ».
Jade accompanies and protects human beings…
Its chemical composition is different in British Columbia (North America), in China, or in Guatemala. Jade is present in all regions of the world. Its nature changes depending on the extraction layers (coloring, density, inclusion).
It may be black, translucent green apple color, milky and opaque, or it may show red or ashen inclusions. These last ones are due partly to iron oxidation.
Its chemical composition is variable, but it mainly includes magnesium silicate, calcium, iron and it might also contain magnetite (depending on the mineral deposits and the geological location).
Sculptors masters work with this particular mineral in different ways and its symbolism is very rich in meaning.
Jade is a noble Totem and Shamanic Stone.
It is mainly employed for protection and health care.

The obsidian, the volcanic marvel
This is a volcanic stone close to glass. It was generated after a brutal cooling of magma. It is rich in silica content; it comes from the depth of the terrestrial mantle and from melting magma pockets.
This particular stone has been employed since the beginning of time, especially by the native people from South America (Guatemala), Aztecs and Mayas, in their rites related to occultism.
Obsidians might have the capacity to transmute the « night into light ». They are linked to spiritual aspects and they reject negative vibes. It is a stone appropriate for introspection and questioning. There are several types of obsidians: the silvered one, the snowflake or the trendy light-blue eye that shows iridescent and concentric circles and violet- shaded rims. It is certainly one of the most fascinating and effective stones.
The listing is not exhaustive, naturally.